


Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Best Five Workouts for Fast Muscle Building

         There are some great workouts that can build muscle mass over time. Muscle mass is for people or athletes who want to get bigger instead of ripped. Muscle mass is for athletes such as  football 

players and body builders. Most of the time it takes a little while to gain muscle mass and it isn't easy, but after all the hard work is done ,you would agree that it is well worth it.

             One mass building workout is bench pressing. Bench pressing works on your shoulder, arms and chest. The primary muscle it works is chest. The reason why bench pressing is one of the top mass building workouts is because it works most of your upper body. When doing bench press, you need to keep your number of reps low and put on more weight. The more  reps you do , the ripper you get and that is not your goal.

          Another mass building workout is squats. Squats are good for your body as  it works on your whole lower body. Try  your number of reps low and with a good amount of weight. Squats can be done at your local gym or weight room.

          Bicep curls are another workout to make your bicep bigger. The good thing about bicep curls is that you don't have to go to the gym to do it. You can buy a nice affordable pair of dumbbells from a sports store and you can do this workout at home.

        Dead lift is a very effective way to get mass muscle. Most of the time you will have to go to a gym to dead lift because most people do not have a barbell or enough weight to go on the barbell at home to lift. Dead lift is just as good as squat.Many people prefer squats over dead lift since it is uncomfortable for some people.

         Pushups are an effective way to build muscle mass naturally. Pushups work the same areas that bench pressing does ,but if you don't have a bench press, then you can always do pushups at home. Since pushups are a natural workout without weights, it won't rip your muscles as much as weights would.
          All of these workouts are great for building muscle mass in your desired area. Some of these workouts may require you to do it at a gym or just go to your local sports store and buy  a few items so  that you can workout at home.

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