


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Kettlebell Training

            Kettlebell training has become my favorite workouts. Why? You get not only a total body workout for conditioning, fat loss, lean muscle gain not to mention cardio in a very short (20 minute) workout.

I am a long time weight training guy and I still love my weight training workouts. I just began using kettlebells about 7 months ago. kettlebell training has a whole different affect on your body.
          The  value of kettle bells is derived from ballistic (fast exercise) work such as: snatches, swings, cleans, and jerks In addition to giving your incredible muscular endurance when done in high repetitions, with a proper nutrition plan any excess fat that you have will burn off rapidly.
kettlebell  is simply a very effective way to train and enhance whatever program you are on.
             Most people don't give much thought to bodyweight workouts, but some of the toughest exercises I've ever done have used only my bodyweight. The two that come to mind immediately are the Pistol Squat and the 1-arm pushup. You have to be very strong and fit to do either of those exercises.
So let me give you a great workout you can do at home with just 1 kettlebell and body weight exercises.
1) Kettlebell Swings - The swing has been called  the best single exercise there is.
2) Push-ups - That's right the old standby, standard position, feet elevated, hands close together or the one handed version.
3) Kettlebell Clean and Press - clean the kettlebell keep your elbow tight to your body and press. Do a clean before each press.
4) Bodyweight Squat - Prisoner squat, split squat, pistol squat.
          Now with these workouts, you can do the exercises in bodybuilder style. do all your sets of one exercise then move on to the next. This way will shape your body in a good way.

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